Burton Carroll (Jacob Carroll, Thomas Sr.) b. 16 July 1805-1810 (commonly seen as 1808) Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 9 Sept 1893 in Suwannee County, Florida.
Children of Burton Carroll:
Patrick Carroll b. 30 June 1836 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 30 Aug 1916 Suwannee County, Florida
Daniel Laurence Carroll b. 18 Dec 1838 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 4 Aug 1908 Suwannee County, Florida
Wilson Carroll b. 13 Jan 1842 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 31 Dec 1909 Walker County, Texas
Frances Carroll b. 8 May 1844 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 14 Aug 1919 Walker County, Texas
Mary Aneatha Carroll* b. 5 Dec 1846 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 18 March 1925 Suwannee County, Florida
married: H. W. Wooley
Sarah Carroll b. abt 1848 Barnwell County, South Carolina d.
Edward "Walton" Carroll b. 1848 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. 1932
Samuel Carroll b abt. 1852 Barnwell County, South Carolina
He married:
The earliest citation we have for a wife of Burton Carroll is the 1847 Land Sale to George Jowers in which it is stated his wife's name is Jane Jowers. Mary Carroll Wooley's death certificate stated her mother's name was Mary "Jawers" by her husband H.W. Wooley.
1) Mary Jane Jowers b. c. 1821 Barnwell County, South Carolina d. before 1870 Barnwell County, SC*
2) Leanora "Lena" Unknown b. Barnwell County, South Carolina d. bef. 1870 Barnwell County, South Carolina
3) Mary Ann Unknown b. 1810 m. bef. 1870 Barnwell County, South Carolina
4) Matilda Moore m. 25 Jan 1881 Suwanne County, Florida
5) Adeline Jamison m. 26 Dec 1885 Suwanne County, Florida (1st m. 9 Dec 1868, William Fulford, Suwanne County, FL)
Notes for Burton Carroll
Burton Carroll first appears in Barnwell County, SC records 22 Aug 1834 when he purchases 185.5 acres of land for $100 from Jacob Shipes on Toby's Creek. This sale is recorded and then delivered to Abraham Carroll on the 4 March 1850.
The very next record we find for Burton Carroll is an implied land purchased from E. Lartigue in 1836 for 100 acres. From the 1875 land sale of Burton Carroll to George E. Steadman it states "being the remaining portion of an original tract of one hundred acres purchased by me A.D. 1836 from E. Lartigue. The said tract hereby conveyed being bounded north by Mrs. Sarah Carroll, west by lands of Mrs. Harriet Allen, South by lands of Redman, East by lands of Molony or Redman as will particularly appear on the plat of same made by Seth Mixson."
Burton Carroll then appears on the 1840 census for Barnwell County living next to Abraham Carroll (his brother). We see Burton Carroll here with his wife who listed as being born between 1821-1825. Judging by the 2 sons under five in their household and child bearing years. I believe she is closer to 19 than 15. Putting her date of birth as circa 1821. We also see two boys under 5, which we assume to be Patrick and Daniel Laurence.
The next record we find for Burton Carroll has been transcribed incorrectly...There is no document on file as "Burton Carroll to George Irvin" it is "Burton Carroll to George Jowers." Burton sold 20 acres to George Jowers written 20 Dec 1847 and recorded 1 May 1850. It is this document which has tripped up several Burton Carroll researchers. The deed is also signed by Mary Carroll and was "Delivered to George Jowers 1 May 1850" which gives many researchers the impression that this Mary Jowers was married to Burton Carroll and that she was the daughter of George Jowers and his wife Mary. According to Burton's own 1840 census, it stated that his wife was born in 1821. Mary Carroll, George Jowers' wife was born about 1813. Mary Jowers who was born in 1813 is clearly not the mother of a child born in 1821. In this document we find Burton's wife as Jane Jowers but the document is signed by Mary Carroll not Mary Jane Carroll. I do not think a judge would have written that his wife was Jane Jowers only to sign the same person's name on the bottom as Mary Carroll. There is another fact that prior researcher did not realized. Mary Carroll b. 1813 (daughter of Jacob Carroll and sister of Burton) married George Jowers.
When Thomas Carroll Jr. buys land back from his sister Mary Carroll even though she is married to Abraham Odom at the time she is listed in the document as Mary Carroll not Mary Odom. This is seen in the Burton Carroll/Mary Carroll document.
In the very next land document we find Burton Carroll selling 20 acres to John W. D. Redmon 29 Dec 1860-2 Jan 1861 in which the magistrate examines "Lena Carroll" and states she is the wife of Burton Carroll (see transcript below). Some researchers may say that Mary must have died and Burton remarried Lena. But, Lena shows up in the Double Pond Church roster as transcribed by Lem Lancaster as "Mrs. Leanora Carroll" with "Miss. Frances Carroll" they appear to join Double Pond Baptist Church together in 1860.
Burton Carroll's 1860 census doesn't show Lena listed. He must have married Lena after the census was taken that year.
On Burton Carroll's 1870 census he is seen with a wife named Mary Ann b. 1810. This date of birth for "Mary Ann" does not match the 1840 census for the mother of Patrick and Daniel Laurence. Mary Ann is not the same person seen in the 1840 census. Not to mention the land record which clearly states Burton's wife's name is Lena and the church record for "Mrs. Leanora Carroll" in 1860.
One fact we do have about Burton Carroll's life in Florida is the following document.
Burton Carroll appears in the Civil War Pension Index filed 17 Oct 1890 and again 28 Nov 1896 in Florida. Name of Soldier is listed as "Carrell, Burton." Name of Dependent was listed in the widow's column as "Carrell, Adalina." Service was listed as "Unknown S.C. Vol."
Burton Carrel
Home in 1840 (City, County, State):
Barnwell, South Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5:
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19:
Persons Employed in Agriculture:
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write:
Free White Persons - Under 20:
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:
Total Free White Persons:
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:
Burton Caroll
Birth Year:
abt 1810
Birth Place:
South Carolina
Home in 1860:
Barnwell, South Carolina
Post Office:
Family Number:
Value of Real Estate:
View image
Household Members:
Burton Caroll
Larence Caroll
Hanny Caroll
13 (Fanny, short for Frances)
Mary Caroll
Sarah Caroll
Walton Caroll
Samuel Caroll 8
Burton Carroll
Age in 1870:
Birth Year:
abt 1805
South Carolina
Home in 1870:
Blackville, Barnwell, South Carolina
Post Office:
Value of Real Estate:
View image
Household Members:
Burton Carroll
Mary Ann Carroll
Frank Baker 12
Jacob Shipes to Burton Carroll
Written 23 Aug 1834-Delivered to Abraham Carroll 4 March 1850
185.5 Acres Tobys Creek (Deed says one half of 375 acres)
This is same land referenced as belonging to Thomas Loveless granted on the 3rd February 1796. It also states this is the same tract where Allen Shipes now lives.
E. Lartigue to Burton Carroll
100 acres
Toby's Creek
Implied from Burton Carroll to George E. Steadman 31 Dec 1875 line of title
"being the remaining portion of an original tract of one hundred acres purchased by me A.D. 1836 from E. Lartigue. The said tract hereby conveyed being bounded north by Mrs. Sarah Carroll, west by lands of Mrs. Harriet Allen, South by lands of Redman, East by lands of Molony or Redman as will particularly appear on the plat of same made by Seth Mixson."
Burton Carroll to George Jowers
Written 20 Dec 1847- Recorded 1 May 1858
20 Acres by Tobys Creek
Transcribed by Jennifer Kassing Bradley 11/11/2015
"Burton Carroll to George Jowers
State of South Carolina
Barnwell District
Know all men by these present that I, Burton Carroll, of the aforesaid state and district have bargained sold and released all of my rights title and claims of a certain tract of land now in possession of Jane Jowers being my wife or my part of said P Land unto George Jowers for the consideration sum of fifteen dollars to me in hand paid by the above named G. Jowers said Land Lying and being in Barnwell District waters of Toby’s Creek my claim for my wife and part of said land being twenty-acres more or less. I do by these present relinquish with all my rights title and claim to the said G. Jowers his heirs and forever relinquish my self and my heirs having even hereafter my claim to the above land or any part thereof. In witness whereof I have herewith in set my hand and seal this 20 December anno domini 1847 and in the 72 year of sovereignty and independence of United States of America.
Signed Sealed and delivered
In the presence of 

Burton X Carroll
J. W. D. Redman Her
Delivered to George Jowers 1 May 1858"
Burton Carroll next shows up in a entry on William Kirkland estate probated 27 May 1859. He is seen buying 1 lot of leather.
The next land record we find for Burton Carroll in is 1860...this one mentions a different wife's name
Burton Carroll to John W. D. Redmon
29 Dec 1860- Delivered to John W. D. Redmon 4 March 1861
20 Acres by Tobys Creek
Transcribed by Jennifer Kassing Bradley 10/3/2015
John W.D. Redmon(d)
South Carolina
Barnwell District
Know all men by there presents that I, Burton Carroll, of the District and State aforesaid for an in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars to me in hand well and truly paid by John W. D. Redmon also of the District and State aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released and by there presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said John W. D. Redmon all that tract or parcel of land being twenty acres in number being a part of the Thomas Loveless land granted to the said Thomas Loveless and dated February 3rd 1796 situated in the District and State aforesaid on the waters of the Cain Piece branch which piece I have laid out for the said John W. D. Redmon in bounded North West by land of myself-South West by lands of B. Brown-South and South East by lands of the aforesaid John W. D. Redmon-North East by lands of J.D. Allen.
Now know yea all whom it may concern that I, the said Burton Carroll for and in consideration of the sum of money aforesaid to me in hand well and truly paid as aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released as aforesaid all that tract or piece of land containing twenty acres-and I the said Burton Carroll have only granted bargained sold and released unto the said John W. D. Redmon a part of Thomas Loveless tract of land which contains twenty acres lying and bounded as aforesaid to have and to hold the said tract of land unto the said John W. D. Redmon his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever and I the said Burton Carroll for myself and my heirs executors administrators do warrant and forever defend the said premises into the said John W. D. Redmon his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever or any other person or person lawfully claiming or claims the s or ant part thereof.
In witness whence of I have herein to set my hand and seal this Twenty-ninth of December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty and in the eighty-fifth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed Sealed and Delivered His
in the presence of Burton Carroll
N.C. Redmon Mark
P. Carroll
Jacob Whaley
South Carolina
Barnwell District
Personally appeared before me N.C. Redmon and made oath that that he saw the within named Burton Carroll sign seal and as his act and deed deliver the within written deed and that he with P. Carroll and Jacob Whaley witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn before me first day of January 1861
T. H. Kirkland

N. C. Redmon
State of South Carolina
Barnwell District
I, Thomas Kirkland Esq., Magistrate in and for the said State and District do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Lena Carroll the wife of the within named Burton Carroll did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did declare that she does freely voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whom soever renounced release and forever relinquish unto the within named John W. D. Redmon his heirs and assigns all her interest and estate and also her rights and claims of dower of in or to all and singular the premised within mentioned and released.
Given under my hand and seal this the first day of January A.D. 1861
T. H. Kirkland Her
Lena Carroll
Recorded the 2nd of January 1861 Mark
(P. Carroll referenced above is most likely Patrick Carroll.)
The land that is referenced in the above deed and what may be the same land referenced in the Jacob Shipes to Burton Carroll deed
From:South Carolina Archives, Online Records Results
Series: S213192
Volume: 0037
Page: 00540
Item: 003
Date: 5/7/1800
Document type: PLAT