Land Records and Deeds
Not all of these Deeds are associated with this line of Carrolls
F. F. (Frances F. Carroll) and his family are descendants of Charles Rivers Carroll from Charleston, SC
William "Wilson" Carroll associated with Lard, Stansell, and the above Odom sale is not from this Carroll line
Carrol, Thomas, Grantee – John McCulloigh, Bk 3, Pg 37
6/24/1788 – 10-18-1803 Consideration 20L – 85 Windy Hill
(transcribed below)
Carrol, William, Grantee – Isham Peeples, Bk T, pg 136
11/8/1831 – 1/8/1834 Cost $65, 100 A Little Salkehatchie
Carrol, Burton – Grantee – Jacob Shipes, Bk DD pg 340
8/23/1834 – 2/9/1850 $100 , 162 1/2/A Cane Piece Waters
(Per document, location was Tobys Creek and this was formerly the residence of Allen Shipes
William B. Carroll bought for $250 from JB Lartigue (Lartique) a certain tract of land containing 53 acres on the Cane Piece waters of the Little Salkahatchie, Barnwell County, "formerly said to be the property of Darling Shipes" bounded to the east by lands L. D. Lancaster, west (unreadable), north A.J. Nevils, south (working on full transcription).
Thomas McWharter (grantor) to Thomas Carroll
Branch Waters of South Edisto River in Barnwell District
Mentioned in a Sale to Hugh Reed line of title recorded the 12th of July 1838
“being part of a tract of land lately sold by Thomas McWharter to the aforesaid Thomas Carroll.” The document mentions a recent survey by Howard Sally made the 20 January 1836 describing the land. “Bounding north by Thomas Carroll, east and south Hugh Reed, west by Dunkins”
Abraham Carroll and Benjamin Carroll
Cain Piece Water of Tobys Creek (Great Salt Catchers)
Abraham Carroll and Benjamin Carroll are referenced owning land adjoining or bounding the mentioned land in the petition. Petition of William Carroll and his wife Julia Ann Carroll formerly Julia Ann Shipes to the court to release or sell seized land “near the head of Cain Piece Waters of Tobys Creek” bounded by “James Still, Alexd Templeton, Benjamin Carroll, William Gilliam and Abram Carroll”
(William Gilliam married Sarah Shipes widow of Allen Shipes)
(Abraham Carroll does not show up in the Barnwell County Deeds Book under grantee or grantor)
David Hair (grantor) to Samuel Reed (decd in Trust for Mary Head d/o Margaret Head and Newport Head)
19 September 1835
Windy Hill Creek
Thomas Carroll is mentioned in the line of title for the this property being the same property purchased by George Gray, granted to John McCullough.
Land Plat for Rezin Davis showing the location of Windy Hill Plantation owned by Thomas Carroll. Also shows Abraham Odom and John Rivers estates on Windy Hill Creek
Thomas Carroll Sr Land Indenture
Transcribed by Jennifer Kassing Bradley and John Kassing on the 23rd day of July 2015.
"South Carolina
This indenture made the twenty third of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight and in the twelfth year of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America. Between John McCullouh of Orangeburgh District of the one part and Thomas Carrol of the district and state aforesaid of the other part witness it that for and in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds sterling money of the aforesaid state to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Thomas Carrol as and before the sealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof, hath bargained and sold, and by their presents do bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Carroll his heirs, executors, administrators and assignees a plantation or tract of land of eighty five acres situated in Orangeburgh District on a Branch of the South prong of Edisto River, known by the name of Windy Hill, it being part of a tract of three hundred and fifty acres originally granted to George Gray, and by his administration to said John McCollouh, bounded N.E. on George Ford’s Land, S.E. on the remaining part of the survey, and on all other sides by vacant land at the time of the survey and hath such shape form and marks as the originally plat represents reference merits being had may more fully appear. Together with all and singular the Gardens, Orchards, Fences, ways, wells, waters, water courses, easements, profits, commodities, advantages, emolument, hereditament and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Eighty five acres of land, belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and revisions and remainder and remainders, thereof and every part and parcel thereof- To have and to hold the said tract of land of Eighty five acres, and all and singular other the premises, herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Thomas Carrol, his heirs, executors, administrators and assign, from the day runs before the day of the date of them presents, for and during the full time and unto the full end of term of one whole year from thence runs ensuing it fully to be completed and ended, yielding and paying thereof the said John M Cullouh, his executors or administrators the rent of one pepper corn on the last day of the said terms, if the same shall be lawfully demanded to the intent and purpose, that the said Thomas Carrol by virtue hereof and form of the statues for transferring of uses into possession may be in the actual possession of the premises herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof, with this and every of their appurtenances and may be hereby enabled to accepts and take a grant and release of the revisions and inheritance of the same to him and his heirs forever- In witness whereof the said party to their presents, have set his hand and seal the day and year first above written-

Jno. M.c Cullouh (His Mark)
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
David Jackson
John Rivers
Received of Thomas Carrol on the day and year first within written, Ten pounds sterling the consideration money within mentioned. Gray received per me 10 pounds. Recorded October 18th 1803"
There is a second part of this Indenture on the 24th June 1788 which mentions the terms again and describes the land from Grant Book YYY page 366 and conveyed to John McCullough by Margaret Hanscomb. Recorded date on bottom is also 18 October 1803